Walk-in Coldrooms and Freezer rooms

Walk-in Cold rooms and Freezer rooms.

Walk-in cold rooms are used to hold large amounts of stock. This stock can be either fresh or frozen. A walk-in cold room is constructed from insulated panels. These panels lock together to form the walls and ceiling of the cold rooms. Different types of doors can be installed in the cold room from hinged to sliding. Allowing access from a person to a folk lift truck in size. The fridge equipment is sized for the area of the cold room and the desired temperature needed inside. Once the equipment is sized correctly it is installed in the cold room to bring the temperature down to the correct level.

We specialise in Installation of cold rooms and the fridge equipment. We also provide a service and maintenance services. We aim to attend every cold room call out the same day as we receive the initial call out. A 24hr call out is available for cold room repairs.

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